I’m one year closer to 40, which is exciting. I’ve been waiting for 40 since I turned 25. I think the world takes you more seriously and you get more of a say in how things go. Maybe that’s always been true, but I for one needed this much of a lifetime of developing myself to believe it.
That’s me and David in front of an aquarium at Shaffer City Oyster Bar, this cool place he took me to for b-day sliders. We had varieties from Nova Scotia and uhhhhm…two other provinces where oysters come from that I forgot. (He just told me Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick).
He got me good gifts – a book called, “How to Shit Around the World: The Art of Staying Clean and Healthy While Traveling”. (He was very pleased with himself for this find.) I got a fridge magnet that says, “Chocolate Slut”. It’s true. In fact, Laurie, my best friend from Chicago sent me a box of high-end, rich man's chocolates from Ethel's. Oh, and a box of candles just arrived! Another one of my favorite things.
David also got me a huge ashtray with my FAVORITE animated Japanese child having a smoke. It's by Jap-artist, Yoshitomo Nara. The saying on the rim is, “Too young to die.” I don’t smoke, but I just love it. He also got me a smelly candle. All of these gifts are perfect. I opened them slowly and suspiciously, wondering if maybe he does know me after all.
Then I mentioned that my friend -- our mutual friend --Steve Centrillo made a $500 donation to Raising Malawi for my birthday. David responded that he was planning to donate $501.
My ex-man David from back home is going to make a $500 birthday donation, too. I swear I didn’t pressure all these half Gs out of people. It just happened that way. I’ll blog that up when I can confirm it went through, just to keep my total collected exact.
And then me. Not to be outdone by the boys, I gave myself a $1,000 birthday donation to Raising Malawi. And I put thru that $2.57 (20 CNY – China Yuan) my client gave me when we were in Japan and no longer needed our China currency.
On this day, I donate my whole 39th year to helping children the world over get the basic care and support they need to have a sense of dignity and purpose. I am certain that someday on this planet, that big wish will come true.
Special thanks again to David Duncan, Steve Centrillo, and (eventually) my ex-man David who know what would really make my birthday a happy one. And please, this is not to suggest it’s the amount that counts. It’s the gesture of birthday love that means everything.
May as well roll on that drum, though. As of January 29, 2007, Birthday donations pushes the total raised so far up by $2,003.57 to a cool $27,253.57!
I’m off to Malawi now! I’ll try to blog updates from the field, Internet willing.
Please check back.