For a few years, I've been following Scott Harrison (charity:water). He's leading a great cause to get clean water wells drilled throughout Africa. I love his cause and have donated to it. I also couldn't help but notice that he's wildly successful at fundraising. Doesn't hurt to be backed by Saks Fifth Ave, for sure. So, in trying to learn from him, I followed him to a new social networking site where all you have to do is choose an advertising sponsor and post their badge onto your blog or Facebook page or other social network. By doing this simple thing (and inspiring others to follow), Scott was able to raise close to $50,000. Scott, honey, I love you but I have a big goal too and wanted to get in on the action.
So I called Raising Malawi and told them about this site. We had a conversation with the very cool, forward-looking people at Social Vibe. They so get it! This is how advertising will work in the future.
And here we are with our first campaign. So far, 1,940 people have chosen "Raising Malawi" as their charity. As a result of their clicks, we raised $2,162, which will help seven children living at the Home of Hope orphanage with food, clothing, education and medical care.
Julia Silka invites you to SocialVibe.com
We're starting a new campaign now. So, lots more we can be doing. Please follow this link and join Social Vibe. This will give me 100 extra points toward Raising Malawi. And you can start earning too. Simply choose Raising Malawi as your featured Charity and pick any of a variety of cool sponsors to help you promote it. I went with TNT, because they give me x5 points to my charity for every click from my blog :)
Click away, and thanks to our sponsors for the charity dollars!
As of 6/16/09, we've raised a total of
+ 2,162.00 (Social Vibe Home of Hope Campaign)