I have a zillion precious moments from Malawi to share. I don't actually know where to start. So I figure I'll just start in the middle. Or the end. Maybe sometimes at the beginning as I upload my pictures and video.
I had no real idea what I was stepping into. I just honestly knew I was supposed to be there. I wanted to see Malawi for myself; see where our money is going. Philippe V., exec director of Raising Malawi, said he was going to be down there end of January, early Feb. So I glommed on. Who could stop me? I just hoped he would point me to the left or to the right so my adventure would make some sense.
My expectations were very low. I didn't know it then, but I would be meeting and mixing with some of the most interesting, fun, extraordinary people on the planet. They were from LA (Philippe, Delia, Janja, Grant), UK (Nathan, Kevin, Johnny) NY (Kristen, only for a few days), So Africa (Guy and Maureen who own and run the lodge, Andrew my pilot friend) and Botswana (Megan, who newly joined as chef), and of course Malawi (Orbit, CJ, Moses, Soldier, orphans galore). More on all of them later.
This is kind of weird to admit, but when I landed in Malawi -- still on the plane, looking out the window -- I felt a strong presence with me. I have no idea who it was: maybe my aunt Nancy or one of my Grandmas? But it didn't feel like them. It was a new energy. One I trusted and felt safe and comforted by.
Anyway point is, I wasn't alone on this trip, which is partly why I didn't feel totally freaked out to be off to Africa without a plan, hoping to meet a stranger or two who would invite me to hang with them. That's another thing. These weren't strangers. I already knew all of these people on this trip intimately well -- like, before I ever met them. Does that make any sense? That's how it was for me. I can't really explain it. But I was home.
Most of these guys (not Philippe or Delia) were down there on Madonna's behalf, making a documentary. The picture of the young dude reading the paper is of my stepson, Grant. He's my stepson because when I mentioned I just turned 39, he shared that that is the same age as his stepmom. He's a good guy. Maybe he was my stepson in a previous life, in which case, I'm really quite proud of how he's turned out in this incarnation.
While not actually featured in the following video, Grant was Positive Vibe Technician in its initial upload. Please won't you join me in a walk on the wild side. This, my friends, is what home feels like to me:
Featuring in order of appearance: Kevin Brown (on horn), Johnny-Martini (orange scarf), Soldier (on Cliff bar), Janja V. and Philippe (oh my).
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