This year, I want to cross over. I don't mean die. Not like that. Die to the ego, maybe. What I'm saying is I greatly desire to connect to a higher power, which I'm pretty sure is the whole point of our existence. In Kabbalah, that's about awakening the Light of the Creator within you. Transforming ego (desire for the self alone) into becoming a being of sharing. I am the village idiot in this process. It's counter to the way I/we are wired.
But I'm on the right track. I am certain that Raising Malawi is a very important part of my spiritual training.
I read a lot of Edgar Cacey when I was a teen. In one of his biographies, it explained that he read the Bible all the time. He had this same desire I'm talking about. He would study the Bible and pray to be used as a channel for the Light. And sure enough, he fell asleep in his book one day by the river and woke up a prophet; he could channel healing remedies from the heavens and provide cures for cancer and life-threatening ailments on earth. Brilliant wisdoms that science is only now catching up with.
I secretly would love that -- poof! wow, I'm a prophet! --but of course, that's 100% my ego at the microphone in my head and totally opposite of how I need to be thinking in order to progress.
Before I moved to LA, I consulted the I-Ching. It informed me that my transition to LA, what I thought I was going for, would be temporary. I was informed that I would be undermined and pretty early on, end my relationship with someone/something, such as job, etc. That's a scary premonition and a tough context to get started in at the new job (esp. after delivering a flat and uninspiring creative brief last week). But I think about it and what it means all the time. Am I going to get fired for something? Or quit? Yikes. I've got bills.
So, a few weeks ago, as a followup to that reading, I consulted the I-Ching and sages again and asked, "Why then am I in LA? What's the point of me being here?" I was informed it is for me to develop my intuitive skills.
So, now I am in the holy land. I trust my journey is about to go into high gear.
P.S., I met a woman from Sao Paulo yesterday who is aching to get involved with Raising Malawi. It called to her in the same way it called to me. My little fundraising effort has just gone international! I have a partner and I'm so excited. I looked at her like, "where have you been all this time?! The goal is $101K by Christmas and I'm only meeting you now?!"
I am semi-teasing. I knew that it was only a matter of time.
Stay tuned for major progress updates on Raising Malawi, when I will also introduce you to my new partner, Marilda the Beautiful.
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