Do you realize when you are in a fit of anger, it’s synonymous with saying there is no God?
Think about it. The Light is constantly feeding you growth opportunities — the more uncomfortable, the more potential for growth. When you’re “losing it”, overpowered by feelings of rage, you’re basically admitting that God has left the building.
This instantaneous knowing that the Light sent this situation to you is a matter of consciousness. However, when you’re sitting in bumper to bumper summer traffic with a broken A/C, late for a job interview, and some guy just blocked you from making your exit, it’s not so easy to be Mr. or Mrs. Spiritual, is it?
When you find yourself unleashing your middle finger and searching for the choicest curse words, try repeating to yourself over and over — “What is the Light teaching ME?”
I don’t expect you to achieve this state of consciousness today. It takes repetition. But the more awareness you inject, the easier it gets to pull yourself out of the fire.
good thought to take with me as I head to the airport for Thanksgiving travel.
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