Dear Julia,
This year has been an exciting one for Millennium Promise, filled with great advances in the Millennium Villages, new innovative partnerships, and a great deal of progress made on our mission of achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Africa by 2015. I'm pleased to reach out to you, as one of our key supporters, to update you on our achievements to date and the critical challenges we face moving forward.
Millennium Promise is currently working with a population of approximately 400,000 people in 80 Millennium Villages across 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. In our first year, we saw vast increases in crop production, increased access to health care and improved water sources, successful launches of school feeding programs, and new educational facilities built and opened. Now that the program is entering its second year, our focus will broaden to include more expansive health interventions, improved roads and infrastructure and developing business enterprise.
In partnership with Building with Books, 10 new schools have been constructed in the Tiby Millennium Village Cluster in Mali, with plans to build an additional 32 schools in Mali and Senegal next year.
Internet connectivity was recently established in the Ruhiira Millennium Village Cluster in Uganda. The first e-mail was sent on November 22, 2007 using a low power computer (18 watts instead of the 170 watts for normal computers). Internet access was made available despite the challenge of mountains and a 31 km distance. A 30 meter tower was built on the highest point in Ruhiira to provide internet access to 6 health units, 3 schools, a community store, and a grain store.
The distribution of hundreds of thousands of bed nets and the donation of anti-malarial medications are reducing malaria infections, one of the leading causes of preventable death in Africa.
Business Development
On September 21, 2007, Millennium Promise and Lehman Brothers sponsored the Tanzania Investment Conference, which focused on bringing private sector investors together with Tanzanian officials for an open dialogue on investment opportunities in the East African nation. The conference was attended by more than 130 business and government leaders, including the President of Tanzania, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.The country's history of political and macro-economic stability, market access, geographical location and diverse opportunities have the potential to make Tanzania a region of great interest to prospective investors and business partners.
As we enter 2008, we are eager to continue the forward momentum created by our tremendous successes in 2007, as well as leverage these successes to mobilize even greater resources and expand our impact on extreme poverty across Africa. I hope that you will join us again by supporting our primary activities going into 2008, which include:
Putting new infrastructure projects in place to increase access to markets and the surrounding communities for members of village communities;
Growing existing relationships with national governments and systems, particularly in the health and education sectors;
Focusing on innovative solutions to the challenges associated with agricultural sustainability and business development over the long term;
Improving our infrastructure to deliver critical interventions in the most efficient and effective manner possible across all 14 sites.
I remain truly grateful for your support this year and hope that you will consider a donation to Millennium Promise to expand our critical work in the year to come. This year was just the beginning of an incredible transformation in villages across Africa; thank you for your partnership in making this change possible.
Jeffrey S. Flug
Chief Executive Officer
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