And you know me. It's all about the birthday.
Also, I just attended an event updating us on the progress of the programs we are funding in-country. It's a happenin', people. We can really flip Malawi from extreme poverty to self-sustaining prosperity. At the event, I met Heather L, a lovely LA acupuncturist who offered to buddy up with me to brainstorm and help move us closer to my $101K goal. Please save your pennies. We'll hopefully be passing a cup around shortly. Or heck even better, if you find yourself inspired to give, please do so now.

Julia, at what point did you decide to set your first fundraising goal?
As long as I can remember, every year on my birthday I’ve set specific, measurable goals. Run a marathon, visit a far-away land, buy investment property, take a class. It gives me a focus for the year. It forces me to stretch myself. I feel rewarded with a sense of growth and accomplishment. When the year is out, it’s another box ticked.
Last year, when I sat down to write my goals, I asked myself a question. I asked, “What am I up to?” I remember my head got quiet. And it kind of scared me. What am I up to?! I’m pretty well liked. My family and friends can count on me. I’ve earned this degree and that accomplishment. But what is my life actually about? I know in my heart that I was born to make a difference in the world. But reflecting on where I was putting my time and energy, I just wasn’t on the path. So I decided to go way outside my comfort zone. I would raise $25,000 for charity. I had never done any fundraising before so I figured this would really challenge me.
Why did you choose Raising Malawi?
If I was going to start fundraising, I wanted to help the most vulnerable of the vulnerable. I wanted to help orphans. I looked long and hard for the right charity. I was in New York at the time when I came across a pamphlet for Raising Malawi. I decided to raise $25,000 for this organization. All I needed to do was a) learn about Malawi b) learn about extreme poverty c) inspire people to donate to this cause. I was on a mission. My hope was that I would not only hit my goal, but I would expand my consciousness.
Did you reach that first goal of $25,000?
Yes, I did reach my goal. And my life changed in the process.
How did it change?
Now I can say, “I am somebody who makes a difference in the world.” I honestly care about these children, and I can’t just tick a box and be finished. A year ago I didn’t know the first thing about extreme poverty and I wasn’t doing anything about it. And that doesn’t make me a bad person. Today, I raised more than $25,000 for this cause. And that doesn’t make me a good person. But one thing is certain. I am a changed person; more connected to the whole. And I’m expanded, somehow bigger for the experience.
So on this year’s birthday you raised your fundraising goal?
Yes, I’ve upped my goal to raise a total of $101,000 for Raising Malawi by Christmas ‘07. Just like last year, I have no idea how to make it happen. And just like last year, I trust that on some level it already has.
Now let’s raise Malawi!
As a donor to Raising Malawi, you can be assured that your gift will be used to affect positive change at the most fundamental level, while keeping administration costs to a minimum. Over 90% of Raising Malawi’s expenditure goes to direct support.
Raising Malawi
1100 S. Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
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