Actually, looks like Tom wrote this:
Hey dude - are you still doing that Malawi dealy? If so we kicked in $100USD, 8₤ and 9€ for you... didn't see where to plug in your name though. Hope that doesn't hose up your tally.
Best wishes,
Tom, Nancy, Haley & Nathan
(and of course, Rex!)
Ahhh...the Hutchings. Now these are some good people. I worked with Nancy at Arthur Andersen WHQ in the HR department in the late 80s. We were great friends (Tom too). In fact, I was Nancy and Tom's witness of honor on Fourth of July weekend back in the early 90s. Totally forget the year now. They got married on Navy Pier before the city put up the ferris wheel and all the fuss.

Navy Pier.
Anyway, where was I? I think Tom's note means he donated $100 to Raising Malawi. I sent an email back to confirm.
Just confirmed.
Ohhhh.....It's more than $100US. (You have to know Tom). He writes:
Yeppars, that we did. the 8 is for a second donation - made in pounds sterling, and 9 is for the third one made in EUROS. I reckon it's just shy of an add'l $30USD...And no, I can't do anything simply! Isn't it fun to be one of the very few people who gets my sense of humor? [OK - pretends to get my sense of humor:)].
The three items were dated June 20th - I think the exact total was $129.68 in US/equiv.
Hope you are well! Nancy and the kids are great. We'll send recent pix soon!
Now how's that for gross, beautiful, well-calculated irony?!....I was BORN on 1/29/68! A VERY PERFECT DONATION!!
Which brings the new total of monies raised to date to $33,200.29.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
It's getting hot out there people. Mind your snow cones.
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