OK, so you know that scene in Jerry Maquire where Tom Cruise walks into the office after having shoved his manifesto in everyone's mailboxes -- "Jerry Maquire's Mission Statement --The things we think and do not say: thoughts of a sports attorney."
That Monday, with a clear head, he finds himself walking sheepishly into the office, sizing up the energy, and quickly starting to regret his very public attempt to bring more integrity to the status quo. He holds his dignity as his humiliation mounts. No one cared. Some even seem to be calling him out (coo-coo!).
I felt like that this morning. I woke up to David watching the news of this bank crashing and that trusted financial institution going under, and topped the morning off with a 7-year-low closing of the Dow.
What was I thinking, asking my friends for money?
It's that vulnerability - that gross totally exposed, public naked feeling you get when you lay your real self out on the line. I'm just hanging out there with this suburban garage, choppy video I made with my gnawing Chicago accent (I still can't seem to shake it!) for anyone to watch. It's a raw feeling - one you want to get out of ASAP.
Except for this little shining light in my day called Miranda, who I bumped into at the copier. She read (viewed) my manifesto and donated $100 last night. She was waiting for the confirmation to come through before she told me (it went into spam).
Even if it were just two pennies, I'd have all the light I needed to get me through this feeling. I couldn't share all that at the copier this morning. But I hope you can appreciate how much this means to me.
Miranda did assure me that I WILL raise my $10K plus in two weeks, and I WILL have it matched. I said I know. But I really could use another sign.
Cue: you.
TODAY: $34,782.68 + $100 = $34,882.68
(PLUS $100 TO BE MATCHED BY 10/1/08)
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