By 12/25/09, I will raise $101K for a charity project called, “Raising Malawi”. This blog is my journey to make that happen. I know my goal is possible, only I have no idea how to meet it. The funds I raise will help build and sustain several Orphan Care Centers and provide the basic infrastructure the people of Malawi need to break out of poverty. As of 6/16/09, with your help, we have donated $51,134.68!
You know that scene in Schindler's List where Schindler (Liam Neeson) comes to realize that he could've saved more lives (even just one) had he traded a small pin off his lapel or had one more conversation to bribe the SS? It's when ex-prisoners present him with a letter explaining he is not a criminal to them and give him a ring they secretly made from a worker's golden teeth fillings, which they engraved with the Talmudic quote, "He who saves the life of one man, saves the world entire." Schindler is touched, but deeply ashamed, feeling he could have done so much more.
I feel that way at the beginning of every year. I have so much to give. So, do I give enough? Because I find myself asking, the answer must be no.
Why I Give (by Bill Clinton)
I read Bill Clinton's book, "Giving" last year and really appreciated this story of Oseola McCarty, which he touches on in this video. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia:
With the assistance of a local attorney (for whom she had done laundry) and the bank's trust officer, using slips of paper and dimes (to represent 10% shares), McCarty set out the future distribution of her estate. She set aside one dime (10%) for her church, one dime (10%) each for three relatives, and the remaining six dimes (60%) for Southern Miss. She stipulated that the funds should be used for students, preferably those of African-American descent, who could not otherwise attend due to financial hardship. When news of McCarty's plan was made public, local leaders immediately funded an endowment in her honor. She signed an irrevocable trust, allowing the bank to manage her funds, from which she received a regular check.
What great irony to be able to give so much of what she never had herself (education). What an inspiration. I'd like to see your generocity, Ms. McCarty and raise you one. My resolution is to have more this year so I'll have more to give away. Come!
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