Sunday, July 08, 2007

Here's a look on the brighter side: Kabbalah teaches us that life bears countless opportunities, much like a multiplex cinema. And you're the star on every screen. What's more is that each theater shows a different quality film. In theater 1, you're living your ideal movie, where blessings and joy abound. In theater 12 (actually, the number of potential movies is infinite), your life is, for lack of a better term, a horror flick.

While the Lightforce of the Creator is always the producer, you are always the director. You make the choices that determine how the plot twists and turns. You're also the casting director, choosing who is playing each part.

I share this with you today so that from now onward, you take every decision in your life as one that can rewrite the script of your movie. This doesn't mean that every decision must be a drama (pun intended). But whether you're choosing between right or left, chocolate or vanilla, LA or NY - know that you and only you get to decide what happens in the next scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
