Saturday, June 07, 2008

Dye it, trim it, wax it or polish it, just do it tomorrow in Santa Monica

Hair we go. My first-ever real fundraiser. Tomorrow, I'll get to Kyle Mathis Hairdressing at 9:30 to help set up our silent auction swag. I'm getting my do done at 10:30 and will hang around all day with the gals (Leah, Heather, Selen and Meital) between the salon and promenade to help stir up business to benefit the world's neediest orphans.

The salon is offering 50% OFF hair services with 100% donated to Raising Malawi. The success or failure of this event is on all of our heads.

Call (310) 393-7947 or just drop in: 201 Wilshire Blvd #120 Santa Monica, CA 90401

And thanks to Heather and Meital for their early donations, bringing our total raised to date to $31, 084.57

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