I just called the White House and left a comment for the president! It was so easy. I actually felt like I made a difference. I called as a Darfur activist, to urge the president to make Darfur a priorty and Stop Genocide Now! It's a very different cause from Raising Malawi....or maybe not. Genocide. Poverty. Common denominator is that there is no human dignity in either, and that's really what I'm fighting for.
Anyway, I don't have a lot of time. I'm just taking a short lunch to catch up on emails. In my haste, I evidently sent out a form letter w/o a proper intro to one said boyfriend who is waiting to hear back whether or not I will meet up with him for dinner tonight. He sent me the letter below in response to my letter, subject line "Horrendous Situation".
How long this dating thing will last between us is a good mystery. And why this makes me laugh, I will never know....
Dear friend,
As I write, a difficult and horrific situation is unfolding. A New York based man is awaiting a response from his girlfriend about getting together for dinner! The unspeakable pain and suffering that this upstanding person is being forced to endure violates several sections of the Geneva Convention and has been officially denounced by Amensty International.
Popular singer Bono has recently spoken out against this cruel behaviour. "I plan to use all my power and influence to bring an end to this insanity!" Angelina Jolie was recently heard to remark, "if she doesn't call him, maybe I will!"
I know, you're saying, "what can I, just one person really do to help end the humiliation and restore justice?". Well friend, you CAN do something!
Get on the phone. Call 917 214-3xxx and GIVE HIM YOUR ANSWER. It's that simple. We need you friend. Without you, and millions of girlfriends like you, this will be one miserable, sexless planet.
A charitable receipt in the amount of one foot rub will be issued upon verification of call.
Thank you friend.
All joking aside, I am going to the Darfur rally in Central Park this Sunday from 2-5. I may do some volunteer work -- media relations/passing out fliers. I intend to learn something that I can use for "Raising Malawi".
Let me know if you would like to go with me!
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