1. Feb. 2006 -- Girl searches for meaning of life (again). This time, she takes spotlight off herself. Alas, she sees something more interesting to focus on. She decides to raise $25K for charity.
2. Feb-May 2006 -- Girl searches for charity. Calls her dad. They agree to put on a party for abused women and under-privileged kids, like they did with the Red Cross when she was a kid.
Girl looks for project co-leader among her friends. Girl shares concept with many of them. They all say, "cool. let me know how I can help." Girl has no idea.
Girl needs an angle. Something people can get their arms around. Works up a project plan called, "Santa's Trail of Lights" with critical actions and milestones. Tries to find role for dad who lives in Atlanta. Creates this goal:
By 12/16/06, $25,000 in money and gifts will be given out at a Christmas party in Atlanta to 5-10 families with young children who have been displaced, injured, orphaned, etc. by hurricane Katrina.
Girl calls United Way and American Red Cross to help identify needy families. United Way guy is very positive. Thinks it's a great idea, but does not follow up or return girl's calls. Red Cross says they already met their goals to help Katrina victims in Atlanta. Now, with crime on the rise due to Katrina evacuees, they are more concerned about not being victimized by those who remain.
Red Cross encourages her to talk to local churches or other faith-based organizations who are always doing things like this for local families. Girl is frustrated and uninspired. Girl is not religious and does not want to go to churches for help.
Girl complains to her career coach that her leadership skills suck. Career coach says people are just not enrolled in her idea. He challenges her to better explain the concept. Why are you doing this?
Girl says she is doing this because everyone on the planet either ignored her or looked down on her when she was struggling to get educated. Ronald Reagan certainly ignored her when he cut financial aid, making her responsible for over $20K per year. That was not going to happen on minimum wage. So, she existed for years stupidly dressed in hand-me-down clothes, always sick and perpetually stressed out. She dropped out of college a few times to work fulltime to pay for upcoming semesters. Why raise money for charity today? So that the fighters, the ones who really want to be something and do something in the world can have the opportunity that she did not have.
June thru August 2006 -- Girl feels defeated, but will not stop. Pious, holier-roller thoughts begin to consume her. But, woe is her, she feels alone. And then.....girl sees pamphlet, "Raising Malawi" in Kabbalah center.
So, that's it Loreal. There is a lot of momentum behind this cause AND there is a real, feasible plan to make a difference AND I know that I can make a difference on a small potatoes scale.
I knew nothing about the poverty trap a few months ago. I spent a lifetime breaking out of the lower middle class (much credit goes to my parents for doing their part). Imagine trying to get out of poverty! I'm so fired up to think this is something that if we all put just one ioda of energy into, we can transform and radically alter the world. The very world our babies will grow up to live in. That is one sponge-worthy cause.
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