I just love October. It's my favorite month of the 12. My whole life, nothing but good things happen to me in October. Tonight is Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement. This is my second year fasting. The idea is to practice restriction in the physical and spiritual forms (no food, water, sex, and basic comforts for 25 hours) and you realize greater gifts for the coming year. I went to Chicago 10 days ago for Rosh Hashana, the new year. And today's energy is even more powerful. Energetically, it's the most powerful day of the year.
I'm studying 10 Luminous Emanations at the Kabbalah Center. The teaching is that everything....Everything is already there. Like for example, let's say you're shopping for furniture. To raise your consciousness to connect with this idea, you don't actually have to look for the perfect furniture. Instead, shop for the furniture that is already in your house. It's a profound concept.
So, my Malawi pumpkin is not a goal. It's an unseen reality. I have already raised $25K. I just don't realize it. I'll admit it's more profound than my brain will accept.
The idea is that everything is already there, but the reason you don't experience it now is because of "bread of shame". (Didn't earn it). So, to earn it, there must be a "lack"...a lack gives you the ability to appreciate what you get. Our job then on the physical plane is to learn to appreciate every little thing so you can truly appreciate all of the Light (God).
So, back to Yom Kippur. I'm not Jewish, but I want to at least share what I'm learning about the energy of this day from my Kabbalah studies. Where to start? Lessee....there are 10 days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur where our job is to invest the time, energy, thoughts into what else we need to cleanse; remember, we did the heavy lifting last month in Virgo.
You've got to deal with the mud -- life's difficulties. The day you don't notice your mud is the day it's all over you. If you don't get involved with it, there will be no revelation for you. It's as simple as that. Lean into what's not comfortable. And do it with the intention of becoming a being a sharing.
By our actions in each of these days, we correct a day in the week all year round.
What is the level of correction? -- It has to do with how much we are busy with self alone versus sharing.
Yom Kippur is about letting go of everything! And, it's my interpretation that if you can't do it, you WILL be helped.
And what's the thing we fight to hang on to? The desire to receive for self alone. It's the hardest thing to let go, which is why it's the hardest epiphany to get.
I began my fast just before sundown. That was about 4 hours ago. I am hungry already.
I was fasting with a focus on my goal, Raising 25K for Malawi. As I write this, I think that's a rather weak consciousness. I therefore will sharpen my focus. I am fasting for children in Malawi. I am fasting so they may eat and drink clean water. I am fasting so that their crops may grow.
I dedicate my effort to healthy, happy children. The world's and my own.
I just hope I don't lose sight of that. It's so easy to forget and make it all about me. Let the pumpkin glow.
And thank you David for rocking it!
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