Laurie and Lee Ann are my two best friends from high school. It was so great to see them again last week at our 20 year H.S. reunion.
Lee Ann has been working her dupa off at the post office. (Dupa is Polish for derriere, which is French for ass, which is Porno for butt.)
Lee Ann is the kewelest human being on the planet. Her tatoo on her other arm features dragons and crashing water....all the elements, actually.
She just discovered that her daughter Jasmine can do the lasagna tongue, a trait that until only recently we believed was reserved to the Silka kids (me and my brother David). She's sending a picture so you'll know what I'm talking about, assuming you've not seen the wrinkly horrors of which my own tongue is capable.
So, I tell you about Lee Ann because she just donated $100 big ones, taking the total donated to Raising Malawi to date to $25,250!
And I say big ones, because it's hard to find that kind of money when you're raising two intensely active girls and donate to a million other causes. Lee Ann gives to some great charities: Vietnam Children's fund -- she's Vietnamese, so you gotta help the people; they build schools in Nam. Also thru payroll deductions she gives to CancerCure of America, American Red Cross, Community Shares of IL (housing & healthcare for needy, building neighborhoods and working to end discrimination) and, inspired by my project, she just added the Malawi Project, Inc. to the list.
Outside of payroll deductions she gives to Susan G. Komen (breast cancer), Smile Train (cleft lip & palate) -- I think that's Jessica Simpson's charity, which is really cool and Amvets*, among others.
I first read that as Amway, which made me laugh. I thought, huh. A charity pyramid scheme. Interesting.
Anyway, thank you Lee Ann & Ron & Jaida & Jasmine for your thoughtful and generous gift. Now, Di Di Mao! which is badly-spelled Vietnamese for "get the hell out of here"!
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