If you know the story, the key thing to understand is that it was the second bite, not the first, that's the source of original sin.
In a biblical nutshell:
The Garden of Eden exists in "Tree of Life" reality. The real reality. No chaos. No suffering. No pain. A hedonist's dream. Also in Eden, there's the "Tree of Knowledge" -- good/bad, right/wrong 1% reality. God says, enjoy Eden. Eat, drink, be merry. But don't eat from that one tree over there or you will surely die.
Die, meaning face the consequences: be banished from Tree of Life reality. Fall to Tree of Knowledge reality (judgement, pain, chaos) and have to earn your way back.
Eve is a good girl. She doesn't even want to touch the Tree of Knowledge -- in fact, she even tells the snake that -- because she doesn't want to be that close to temptation. But, the snake is snakey. He chats her up. Gets her to reconsider. She touches the Tree, and does not die. See! he says, and further seduces her to take a bite of an apple from the Tree. The snake told her that it contained all the Light of the Creator, and naturally, the Creator would want her to enjoy the Light.
She knew that it was a tool to connect Adam to a fuller experience of the Lightforce of the Creator. So she tried it. And then Adam took that infamous bite for the same reason. Their desires were pure.
But then they realized "hey, this really is powerful stuff." He went in for a second bite. He tasted the Light, and he wanted more. Nothing wrong with that.
But the distinction was his motivation changed. Whereas the first bite was taken with the intention of sharing a deeper connection with his Creator, the second bite was for the self alone.
All desires originate as a pure intent to experience the Lightforce of the Creator....and then, well, we just start to focus on the getting the Apple.
That's what's been happening to me. Last week I met with my career coach and we came to that distinction. (without all the adam and eve stuff. that's my kabbalah talking).
In this week's Consciousness Tune-up from Yehuda Berg (kabbalah), he says we -- especially folks like me with a goal who are not seeing it manifested -- need to ask ourselves,"What is fueling my desire, selflessness or selfishness?"
Obviously, my consciousness has been blocked for a bit, which is why we have capped out around $8K for Fundraising Malawi.
I am going to distinguish this week where I have been selfish with my sharing, my money, my time, my energy. All of it.
I am certain that we will raise $25K for the children of Malawi by 12/25/06.
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