Saturday, August 12, 2006

I was first introduced to Jeffrey Sachs by ...well, technically the LA Kabbalah Center, but more thoroughly by Bono in the foreword of "The End of Poverty." I'll type the first paragraph....just to keep a log of how many people think Jeff Sachs is a rock star...and, if I keep looking, I'm sure I'll find a link to Kevin Bacon.

Bono writes:

Two men asleep beside each other on a long journey into Africa, literally and thankfully above the thunderclouds. One is fairly clean shaven, papers strewn around him. Matte black suit, eyes slightly hollowed from no sleep, thoughts too big even for his big head. The other is a more bohemian mess. Unshaven, unkempt, he can't just have been up for days, his boyish face says years. An advertisement for why air miles can be bad for your health. When he wakes, an air hostess asks for his autograph. Confused and amused, he points to the geek in the black suit lying among the papers. That's me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bono and I am the rock star student. The man with me is Jeffrey D. Sachs, the great economist, and for a few years now my professor. In time, his autograph will be worth a lot more than mine.

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