Sunday, January 28, 2007

This is the best documentary! I posted it on my blog a while ago as a link. Please watch it in all its parts. I am raising money to address all these same things in Malawi that Angelina Jolie and Jeffrey Sachs looked at in various villages in Kenya.

PLEASE watch:

Part 1: Nairobi, Kenya. Nairobi is also nicknamed, "Nai-robbery". Until we break the cycle of poverty, history (hell, present life) teaches us it only gets worse. Let's fight terriosm by ending poverty once and for all.

Part 2: Sauri, Kenya. Millenium villages project at work! Simple. Makes sense, no?

Part 3: Sauri, Kenya. The funds I am raising for Malawi are going to help build out the infrastructure/agriculture that can bring this kind of change.

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