Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Come on Rainmaker, Make it Rain

I'm back from a week in Orlando. My client does a lot of work with a company called Ideas to Go, which facilitates brainstorms with brand teams and consumers and then gets reactions to those ideas in focus groups, all in one week. This was my third trip down there and I'm fast becoming friends with Christine, one of their head facilitators.

Our client Linda (also fast friend) invited the two of us to dinner one night. We stayed well past closing thoroughly enjoying each other's company. Not the superficial type of company you tend to keep when you're traveling on business, but the real, authentic stuff that makes you think; that makes you want to go out and be more fabulous than you already are; that makes you "take pause" (inside joke) and smile at your good fortune to be able to live the life you do.

During our dinner conversation, I shared a bit about Raising Malawi. Christine, ex-camp director and experienced rainmaker offered to lend her brain to the cause. It's a good brain -- strategic and fun. I'm very excited! Meantime, she slipped me a check for $100, which I mailed off yesterday and will add to our running total, which brings us to $30,433.57 raised to date.

Many thanks, Christine Haskins!

When I got back home and checked my email, I had a note from a rep from More Magazine. Ladies, you know More don't you?

It's a national women's magazine geared towards women aged 40 to 59. They have a circulation of more than 1.2 million and total readership of 4.5 million. More was #1 and #2 on Ad Age's Hot List of magazines in '06 and '07 and a finalist for a National Magazine Award for general excellence last year, in a category with The New Yorker.

They're doing a story about women who are doing very creative things to raise money for their businesses or charity causes, and came across my blog. They needed to know more to see if I fit the right profile for their story, so send me good vibes, will you please?! What a cool honor it would be to be featured in More!

And if they do run the article, what a cool PR win for me to help with future fundraising! It helps brand me as the "creative fundraising woman" and with said title, inspires me to knock on new and bigger doors, press kit in hand ;)

Come on....oh, please, oh please: MORE RAIN!

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